
The quality of the waters and the state of the riverbank environment of many of the Spanish rivers were deeply degraded during the economical and industrial expansion of the mid XXth century, turning sometimes the nearby areas into polluted and marginal parts of the cities.

During the recent processes of city expansion or the regeneration of city centers one of the main concerns of many City Councils and other Public Administrations has been to recover these degraded rivers and to incorporate them into the urban fabric.

This regeneration has in many cases involved the creation or extension of pedestrian and cycle paths for the enjoyment of citizens, with new riverside walks and new crossings over the river.




An example of this kind of works is the ambitious plan of recovery of the riverbanks of the River Pisuerga along its crossing through the historical city of Valladolid that has been carried out by City Council in collaboration with the Northern Hydrographic Confederation (a Water Public Agency dependent of the Ministry of Public Works). The “Pedro Gomez del Bosque” is footbridge included in a 3 km long development of this Plan, which involves new pedestrian routes -some of them over cantilever structures-, riverbanks landscaping and riverside vegetation replantation, and stabilization of some critical riverbank slopes.